Friday 10 February 2012

A Trip back in time

The old gaol where I made pottery as the bats flew above

Today we visited Oatlands to see the results of an archeological dig that has taken place there over the last three weeks. Ephraim would have passed through here on his trips from the north to the south of the state and may have stayed here overnight but no records were made on travelling convicts. In 1971, I began my teaching career in this village, which was originally planned to become the capital of Tasmania. It was freezing cold and windy in winter and warm in summer.  It is north of Richmond and part of the grain producing area where Ephraim lived after gaining his ticket of leave. There are numerous sandstone buildings, a wonderful antique shop, a windmill and lots of memories . The place seemed so much tidier and we couldn't understand how so many magnificent buildings seemed to appear from nowhere. I think fences have been pulled down, trees trimmed, later untidy and out of character extensions moved from buildings, some buildings opend up and signs added to make the experience great. We will go back again.

Remains of cells

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